Nursing and Midwifery
The Nursing and Midwifery workforce at the Countess make up over 40% of the staff total. That equates to approximately 1200 Nurses and Midwives who offer day to day care to all of the Trust's patients, to the very highest standards. As a result, they are at the heart of the Countess's commitment to ensure that the journey our patients take is positive, effective and results in the best possible state of health.
The Director of Nursing and Patient Services is responsible for ensuring that nursing care is of the highest quality. As well as leading emergency care at an executive level - which can be one of the key aspects of a patient's journey in their hospital experience - they are also responsible for making sure that the Health Care Commission's 'Standards for Better Health' are specifically met and hopefully exceeded.
To ensure the confidential information relating to a patient's treatment remains confidential, we also like to emphasise the fact that the Director of Nursing and Patient Services is also the trusts 'Caldecott Guardian', which involves ensuring that the key principles surrounding patient information are met.