

  • Mr S Das Clinical Lead
  • Mr C Johnstone
  • Mr P Somav
  • Mr D Samian

Departmental Overview

Urology Services are delivered by a relatively small but extremely active and forward-thinking team of clinicians that is dedicated to meeting the needs of our patients from all over Western Cheshire, Wirral and North Wales. The clinical team consists of 4 Consultants, 4 Specialty Doctors in Urology, dedicated Specialty Trainee support and Clinical nurse specialists and support workers in Benign and urological cancers.

We provide a comprehensive range of urological surgery both in an inpatient and day care setting as well as dedicated outpatient support for both new and review patients. We also provide a range of outpatient procedures and minor interventional procedures from a purpose-built urology unit.

Our Urology specialist nurses have a vast wealth of experience. They provide a well-established and various clinics including both diagnostic and follow-up and therapeutic services:

Diagnostic and follow-up

Urodynamic clinic – a very important diagnostic tool used to investigate and manage patients presenting with LUTS. It is a test of studying the bladder filling and emptying and how this relates to your symptoms.

Flexible Cystoscopy- Camera test into the bladder to check for abnormalities

PSA health clinics – Monitoring men’s health and prostate health


Trial removal of catheter (TWOC) clinic – for those patients who have a catheter in place and need to have this removed under supervision. Complex catheter changes and managing intermittent self-catheterisation/Dilatation.

Intravesical treatment clinic (for patients with bladder cancer or interstitial cystitis) – for patients requiring BCG treatment for their bladder cancer. Or for patients requiring bladder instillations for the management of interstitial cystitis.

The Urology Unit can be contacted on 01244- 366584 for any nurse led enquiries- seeking advice with catheter management.

For catheter supply enquiries Charter Website https://www.coloplastcharter.co.uk

The Urology secretaires can be contacted on 01244 366586 for appointment and correspondence enquiries

Appointment Hotline can be contacted on 01244 366663 for appointment enquiries

NHS Website for Catheter information


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