Patients, Visitors & The Public

Video Consultations

As part of the work being done to digitise and transform the way we provide our Outpatient services in line with the NHS Long Term Plan, you may be offered a video consultation instead of a face-to-face consultation.

This can:

  • Minimise physical attendances, protecting patients, staff, and the community from the spread of infections such as coronavirus
  • Reduce the cost of attending hospital appointments for patients and their carers/families, including the cost of travel, car parking, childcare and time off work
  • Improve patient satisfaction and convenience
  • Reduce carbon emissions from travelling to appointments.

If your video call does not work or you do not have signal, the Clinician will attempt to telephone call you instead.

What is needed to conduct a video consultation?

  • A good internet connection
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone with a built-in camera and microphone
  • Google Chrome or Safari web-browser
  • A quiet and private setting
  • The support of a family member or carer (as required)