Corporate Information

What we spend and how we spend it

The Annual Report includes all the following information: Annual statement of accounts, Budgets and variance reports, Financial audit reports, Capital programme, Staff and Board members' allowances and expenses.

Staff pay and grading structures

Procurement and tendering procedures

The Trust welcomes small to medium enterprises (SME's) and suppliers from the local community to participate in its local and EU tender opportunities.

"The Trust encourages knowledge sharing and best practice initiatives".

Local tender opportunities can be found by registering on Contracts Finder. EU tender opportunities are advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union; these can be found via Tenders Electronic Daily.

The Trust encourages knowledge sharing and best practice initiatives - and this includes sustainable issues. The Procurement department works closely with its suppliers to ensure that, where possible, suppliers are provided with useful guidance to assist in tendering for public sector contact opportunities - this includes support in developing Business Continuity Plans and Environmental Policies.