Other Support Services

Arm Class

At the breast care unit you will be invited to an Arm Class approximately 4 weeks following either sentinel node biopsy or axillary node clearance. The class is a friendly workshop were the nurse will explain what the lymphatic system is, how to look after your arm following surgery to limit the effects, the early signs of lymphoedema and what we can offer as a service if you should unfortunately develop of an arm lymphoedema.


Lymphoedema service

If you suspect you have lymphoedema you will be offered an appointment to attend and the nurse will assess the severity. Often at the first appointment we do not fit a sleeve and will ask you to continue with some simple exercise, massage and pain relief, however if the swelling persists the nurses will fit you a compression sleeve and monitor the effect until you are more comfortable and will continue to review and offer advice when needed.


Areola and Nipple tattoo service

Tracy and Karen are very happy to offer a tattoo service. Three months following breast surgery we can use tattoos to create the image of an areola and nipple. The pigment is applied with a small electric machine into the dermal layer of the skin, you may need several tattoo sessions before you get the right effect and further touch ups can be added 3 months after the initial tattoo. Full support and aftercare are provided.

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