Preparing to feed your baby
The infant feeding and antenatal education teams have developed an antenatal education workshop to provide you with lots of information to help prepare you for your feeding journey.
You can book onto our online sessions by contacting us on 01244 363646.
Our Parent Education and Information Padlet is also packed full of information and resources to support you through your feeding journey. Take a look using the link:
Colostrum harvesting
Colostrum harvesting is when the first milk (colostrum) is hand expressed from the breast during pregnancy (starting at around 37 weeks pregnant) and frozen for use after birth.
Our infant feeding team provide free hand expressing kits and support to help you harvest colostrum when you are pregnant. Research shows that those who hand express in pregnancy are more confident and better prepared to breastfeed their babies. This early breast milk is perfectly tailored for your own baby’s immune system.
For more information contact our infant feeding team on 01244 363646