Preparing for birth
Preparation for birth positively impacts birth outcomes and experiences. It enhances the transition to parenthood with the information and practical skills which help you prepare for labour, birth and caring for your baby in the early days.
Antenatal Classes
Antenatal education is an important aspect of the maternity services provided at the Countess of Chester. The parent education classes provided by our excellent National Childbirth Trust (NCT) tutors can be accessed in the comfort of your home with your partner and are free to attend.
Please book onto these online sessions or for further information by contacting us on 01244 363646. Topics covered include labour, birth, relaxation techniques, the early days with your baby, and an infant feeding workshop.
Our Parent Education and Information Padlet is also packed full of information and resources to support you through pregnancy, birth, and the early days with your baby.
Take a look using the link:
Perineal Massage
Your perineum is the area between your vaginal opening and the rectum. This area stretches a lot during childbirth and sometimes tears. Perineal massage in pregnancy aims to gradually soften and stretch the vagina and area around it in preparation for birth.
Research studies have found that perineal massage from 34 weeks of pregnancy can reduce the chance of your vagina tearing and reduce the need for forceps or ventouse (suction) to help you birth your baby. It will help you to become familiar with the feeling of pressure or stretching of the perineum that you will feel when your baby is being born. Our midwives and obstetricians support the practice of perineal massage.
Find out more:
Useful Resources