Partnership with parents
We ask you…
- To contact us if you are unable to visit or contact us at least
once a day
- To make sure we have your contact details
- Ask whenever you want to know something or don't
- Let the staff know about your preferences about your babies day
to day care and what time you will be visiting
- Treat staff with respect
We will keep you up to date on your baby's ongoing progress and
plan of treatment and care and will endeavour to answer all of your
Parents can telephone any time day or night. You will be given
these numbers when your baby is admitted.
On admission we will commence a 'Communication Pathway' which is
kept at your baby's bedside. The pathway enables you to identify
and discuss the various areas of care which your baby may receive
while on the unit and in preparation for discharge.
You will be given an admission pack containing various leaflets
and information on various aspects of care, treatments and routine
tests for your baby. The BLISS Family Handbook is available for
parents to keep and provides information and support groups for
families of preterm and sick babies. Please inform a member of
staff if you do not receive your copy. There are also many leaflets
and books available on the unit for you to read some of which may
be available in different languages. You will also be given your
own copy of the 'Small Wonders' DVD which has been developed to
support you through the highs and lows of your journey with your
premature or sick baby.
Information about your baby is confidential and will be shared only
with you as parents and the other professionals caring for your
baby. Should other members of the family telephone or ask questions
they will be referred to you for the appropriate information. Staff
will not discuss other babies within the nursery.