Antenatal and Postnatal support for Women Delivering at The Countess of Chester

Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy
Midwives or doctors may refer women who are suffering with pregnancy related pelvic girdle or low back pain. Women are invited to our Pelvic Girdle Pain class, run by a specialist physiotherapist. During these sessions you may be advised, shown exercises and provided with support belts or walking aids as required.
Those with complex pregnancy related pain may be offered further 1:1 physiotherapy.
In Patient Obstetric Ward Service
We provide a week day physiotherapy ward service for women who require inpatient physiotherapy immediately post delivery for conditions such as 3rd or 4th degree tears in childbirth, post caesarean complications and we also see babies with positional talipes.
Postnatal Care
Women over 6 weeks post delivery are invited to attend a series of physiotherapist led small group exercise classes to assist in post natal recovery and return to fitness and function. Please see the patient information section for further details about this class or telephone 01244 365234 to book a place.
Postnatal Outpatients
Women may require extra physiotherapy support may be referred to us as an out-patient in the early postnatal period with ongoing musculoskeletal problems following pregnancy and childbirth such as pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and separation of abdominal muscles.